Research & Development

Innovation is our strength. We interpret challenges and harness chemistry for creating efficient and environmentally safe products and services. Our state-of-the-art R&D facilities are at par with the best in the world!

Research & Development

Our research and development is tuned to handle global demands of food production and precisely studying regional needs of the soil and the farmers. We take any challenge with grace.

R & D activities are carried out at multiple locations with facilities to undertake Gram level, Kilo level to Pilot plant level experimentations. We are equipped to test efficacy of R & D products with in-house insectaria and the state of the art simulators. We have on site facilities of green house and a large farm to test efficacy of the products on real life basis. The R&D activities are manned by around 80 highly qualified and proficient employees.

Excel Crop Care can boast of mastering a range of more than twenty complex chemical reaction capabilities which are applied in manufacture of current range of products. The well-equipped formulation development R&D facility is, effective in developing formulations and applications for generic products that befit the on field requirements. All our Research and Development facilities are approved by the DSIR of the Government of India.

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